What will a marginal NO vote mean for the short and long-term future?
(Published by The Malay Mail on 18 September — n.b. Graham Paling currently lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and as such was unable to...

What are your children doing this summer?
(Published by The Malay Mail on 29 July 2014) Schools out for SUMMER! At least here in Europe. No homework, those weekly schedules have...

Holiday reading for kids: are classics worth the bother?
(Published by The Malay Mail 7 August 2014) I found sorting this list of classic books for kids trickier than anticipated: what is a...
How holidays change with age
(Published in The Malay Mail on 27 July 2014) “The beach is shit, don’t you think? Shit, shit, toxic even,” the former Head of English...

World Cup — through the eyes of kids and camels
(Published by The Malay Mail on 19 June) Has World Cup fever hit your household? If so, read on, and let’s compare notes. So Tuesday...

The Normandy D-Day landings, 70 years later: France then and now
(Published in The Malay Mail on 6 June 2014) Today, foreign leaders from around the world will gather in Normandy to celebrate the 70th...

Insider’s guide to Paris — top ten quirky day-trips
(Published in The Malay Mail on 2 June 2014) Paris is the hottest holiday destination on the planet, welcoming more than 30 million...
Scandalous Cannes film “Welcome to New York” ruffles French feathers
(Published in The Malay Mail on 24 May) Expect the unexpected is what is said about the Cannes Film Festival, now in its 67th year. And...

Europe’s new football coach — she’s got balls!
(Published in The Malay Mail on 18 May 2014) I’m not, of course, suggesting that she actually has balls, but more that someone else has...

Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth…life for a life?
(Published in The Malay Mail 14 May 2014) Clayton Lockett’s botched execution in late April received worldwide condemnation. Horrified...