“Totalement Désarçonnés” — The best graffiti in town
“Totalement Désarçonnés” — The best graffiti in town Posted on October 9, 2014 by pennedinparis I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling...

Insider’s guide to Paris — top ten quirky day-trips
(Published in The Malay Mail on 2 June 2014) Paris is the hottest holiday destination on the planet, welcoming more than 30 million...

How to become Parisian in one hour?
(Published in The Malay Mail on 13 December 2013) Lifting the lid on Parisian peculiarities was hatched by Olivier Giraud while working...
I’m Muslim, Don’t Panic
(Published on the 27 September 2013) Do you like slogan T-shirts? The “Keep calm and carry on” genre, the tacky likes of “Little Miss...

Summer solstice celebrated in style, well almost
For sun-blessed Malaysians the summer solstice probably means diggly-squat. Twelve hours or so of equatorial sunlight and darkness pitch...

Conquering La Tour Eiffel
It is so clichéd, but a trip to Mr Eiffel’s tower does tend to enjoy pole position on bucket lists of places to visit in Paris. I’ve just...

What makes Parisians tick
I’ve just read Olivier Magny’s ‘Stuff Parisians Like’, written by the young French sommelier and owner of the successful Ô Chateau wine...

Parisians adore May, the month of ‘les ponts’
May kicks off the start of the silly season of endless holidays in France. It’s called the month of ‘les ponts’ (French for bridges),...